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include/persistent.h File Reference

Interface: Definitions for persistent data. More...

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#define __persistent   __attribute__ ((__section__ (".persist")))
 Define storage persistent across different runs of a program.

Detailed Description

Interface: Definitions for persistent data.

Eddie C. Dost <>

Definition in file persistent.h.

Define Documentation

#define __persistent   __attribute__ ((__section__ (".persist")))

Define storage persistent across different runs of a program.

This macro is used to mark initialized data (doesn't apply to uninitialized data) as `persistent' data. This data will be saved across different runs of the program.

Usage: You should insert __persistent between the variable name and equal sign followed by value, e.g:

static int counter __persistent = 0; static char data[] __persistent = { 0x32, 0x36, ... };

Definition at line 51 of file persistent.h.

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Generated on Mon Feb 16 21:02:06 2004 for brickOS C++ by doxygen 1.3.5