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brickOS Kernel Developer Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
_pchain_tPriority chain data structure
_tdata_tTask data structure
BatteryBattery-sensor interface (RCX Internal)
CriticalSectionBlockA CriticalSectionBlock locks a critical section for the lifetime of the CriticalSectionBlock
critsecCritical section data structure
LampLamp control interface
LightSensorLight-sensor interface (active/passive mode)
MotorMotor control interface
MotorPairPair-of-motors control interface
MotorStateMotor status type
note_tNote structure describing a single note
program_tThe program control structure
RotationSensorRotation-sensor interface (active mode)
SensorBasic sensor interface
SoundSound generation interface
TemperatureSensorTemperature-sensor interface
TouchSensorTouch-sensor interface (passive mode)

brickOS is released under the Mozilla Public License.
Original code copyright 1998-2002 by the authors.

Generated on Mon Feb 16 21:02:32 2004 for brickOS Kernel Developer by doxygen 1.3.5