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Todo List

Member Motor::brake (int duration) const
describe what brake means

Member Motor::brake () const
describe what brake means

Class Sensor
how does TemperatureSensor figure in here...?

Member Sound::duration (const unsigned int len)
get the real scoop here, then provde better description

Member Sound::internote (const unsigned int len)
get the real scoop here, then provde better description

Member delay (unsigned ms)
why is delay() in this file?

Member lnp_logical_range (int far)
determine what clears this and then correct NOTE1

(when move to g++ 3.x) determine if this is still the case and fix this if not...

Member T_DEAD
the following comments on the defined may cause problems in when used in macros/expressions, etc. FixEm?

Member lcd_refresh_next_byte_core (void)
find a better description for this

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Original code copyright 1998-2002 by the authors.

Generated on Mon Feb 16 21:02:35 2004 for brickOS Kernel Developer by doxygen 1.3.5